Connect-Us Soiree 2024
Message from Pam Lewis, Executive Director
Pam Lewis with Connect-Us youth leaders in the community • July 2024
As we close out another calendar year, I am reflecting on the many conversations I’ve had with our young people. Whether it’s in weekly Youth Leadership Team meetings, or Connect-Us Academy corporate workshops, or C-U Onstage! Talent Show events, our young people feel brave and empowered to be vulnerable with each other. They share openly about their lives and the challenges they face being young and growing up in under-resourced communities.
Conversations play a crucial role in the development and emotional well-being of young people. When they engage in meaningful dialogue, they not only foster understanding and empathy but also create an environment where they can support one another. It helps them navigate challenges, build resilience, and cultivate a sense of belonging.
Young people in Bridgeport come to Connect-Us because they get to participate in different kinds of conversations than they have elsewhere in their lives. They are asked to share what they think. They have conversations with people they don’t usually have the chance to speak with. They know everyone is going to listen and have the opportunity to contribute.
This is so critical. We discuss topics like voting rights, the history of the industrial revolution, reconstruction, and the Civil Rights Movement. We give the young people time and space to discuss these topics in depth and to share with one another how they feel. These conversations create a sense of purpose and responsibility. By discussing topics like equity, justice, and community building, young people have the chance to reflect on what they have to give. They are inspired to think about their values and aspirations, while also seeing how they can make a difference in their communities.
The conversations you have with the young people in your life during this holiday season could be the best gift ever. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect. Listen. Go slow. Resist the temptation to talk about yourself and instead, focus on asking questions. When you relate to a young person as someone you have something to learn from, you’ll find out more about what they think and feel.
Thank you for another great year. I hope you’ll join us for our annual Martin Luther King Day celebration at The Klein Memorial Auditorium on Monday, January 20. Over the past few months, we’ve had great conversations that have given shape to the performances you will see. The young people are excited to share what they've created!
With gratitude,
Pam Lewis
Executive Director
2024 At a Glance
C-U Onstage! (CUO)
Over 575 community members joined our C-U Onstage! events this year, which included our annual MLK Day show and CUO Talent Show at The Klein Memorial Auditorium.
130 young people participated in the program. They attended auditions, rehearsals, and performance workshops, performing both onstage and offstage to help produce the events.
Connect-Us Academy (CUA)
30 students participated in the 16-week Connect-Us Academy program this year, and we partnered with 75 business leaders from throughout Fairfield County who worked with the young people.
Additionally, multiple businesses in Fairfield County hosted alumni in summer internships including Barnum Financial Group, MOCA Westport, The Quick Center and Horizons at Sacred Heart University.
The CUA survey results illuminated the impact of the program on the participants: 100% feel more prepared to find and maintain a job; 100% feel more hopeful about their future and more confident in their ability to succeed in life; 100% feel better prepared for adulthood; and 100% feel they greatly improved their public speaking skills.
Connect-Us Youth Leadership Team (YLT)
The YLT met 34 times this year and produced two major community events, hosting hundreds of people from the Bridgeport community. In addition, the Summer Fellows had more than 300 conversations with young people, adults, business owners, and community members throughout Bridgeport.
25 young people are active members of the YLT and they are currently working on the 2025 MLK Day show. We hope to C-U at The Klein on January 20, 2025!
Cast of “Bridgeport Has a Dream” at The Klein • January 2024
We kicked off the year strong with our annual MLK Day Show, Bridgeport Has a Dream: Building Bridges Across Fairfield County, at The Klein Memorial Auditorium. Our 2024 show was attended by 600 people who came together to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King.
Bridgeport Has a Dream featured a multiracial youth cast from across Fairfield County. Dozens of young people stepped onstage at The Klein and shared their dreams for our country – through song, rap, dance, poetry, and letters they wrote to Dr. King. (This year, the young people got to read their letters to Dr. King from the same podium he used when he spoke at The Klein in the 1960s!) In addition to youth performances from Connect-Us, we hosted performances by the Bullard Havens Chorus, K.E.Y.S., The Klein Dance Company, and Neighborhood Studios.
The Connect-Us Youth Leadership Team led the way by reading letters they wrote to Dr. King about their dreams for the country and the world. Here are some excerpts from their letters:
Dear Dr. King: Your legacy isn’t talked about much in schools. Every year they recycle the same basic information during Black History Month, only briefly and very vaguely summarizing the bus boycott that you so bravely led and your inspiring “I Have a Dream” speech that touched many... We could use more leaders like you today. African Americans and other minorities still face many issues including discrimination, oppression, poverty, police brutality, and lack of identity, but we have made progress from the hardships African Americans faced during your time… I have a dream that peace, love, and forgiveness will be normalized in society and create an environment where everyone belongs, where everyone is treated equally regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. Sincerely, Dejhanae
Dear Dr. King: The world feels upside-down right now. It seems like things are not really getting any better, but people are still doing their best to succeed and survive this harsh life… You paved the way for a lot of us to have freedom of speech, to protest when things are not right, and for us to be treated equally… It hasn’t been easy for a lot of us, but as long as racism and discrimination is still happening, we will continue to raise our voices and call out what is wrong to make things right in these challenging times. Let us draw inspiration from your legacy and continue to work for a more just and equal world. Sincerely, Stenielza
Dear Dr. King: I, too, have a dream. A dream that one day we could have world peace. A dream that one day we are in truth united. I dream that our differences as individuals won’t stop us from understanding one another, loving one another, just caring about each other. I dream of a more human future, a future of love, a future of kindness, and a future of compassion… I dream of a more desirable place to call home. Sincerely, Journey
We are grateful to those who joined us in celebrating and paying tribute to the great life and work of Dr. King, and we are honored to partner together to continue his legacy. C-U next year!
▶️ Watch the coverage: News 12 Connecticut

The Connect-Us Academy (CUA) Class of 2024 with Melody Rollins, Global Head of Core Institutional Clients at Bridgewater Associates, at the "Building Your Personal Brand" workshop
The seventh year of the Connect-Us Academy was a huge success. 30 students participated in the 16-week program this year, and we partnered with 75 business leaders. Additionally, multiple businesses in Fairfield County hosted alumni in summer internships including Barnum Financial Group, MOCA Westport, The Quick Center and Horizons at Sacred Heart University.
Connect-Us Academy workshop at Barnum Financial Group
Connect-Us Academy workshop at Daversa Partners
We want to give a big shout out to our many corporate partners who led workshops and provided mentorship and support to the students:
Barnum Financial Group hosted the "How to Interview" workshop, where the students learned what companies look for in candidates and were interviewed by members of the Barnum team who provided personalized feedback and tips for being successful. Special thanks to Melissa Poli, Michelle Hite, and the team at Barnum Financial Group.
Bridgewater Associates hosted us for a Resume Writing workshop, where the students enjoyed an engaging and educational experience working on their resumes with team members from Bridgewater. Special thanks to Tara Arnold and the Bridgewater team.
Daversa Partners led a workshop where the students developed mock pitches for companies like TikTok, Airbnb, and Netflix, and then they presented their pitches to the whole group. Special thanks to Angela Pezello and the team at Daversa Partners.
Fairfield University and Dr. Walter Hlawitschka of the Dolan Business School hosted a “Stock Trading Simulation” workshop where the students learned about the stock market and trading.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. led an “Introduction to Investing & Personal Finance” workshop. The young people learned critical financial health skills, learned about different career paths in banking and finance, and broadened their network of business professionals and mentors. Special thanks to Connect-Us Board Member Kelvin Savage, along with Andrei Saunders, Chris Morton, and Douglas Guilford.
Pullman & Comley, LLC gave the students an opportunity to learn how laws are made –– and they got to pretend they were elected members of the Bridgeport City Council and propose their own law based on a case study. Special thanks to Karen Wackerman, Joshua Cole, Bianca LoGiurato, Joshua Smith, and Tom Lambert.
Rich Eldh, Founder Emeritus of SiriusDecisions, led the “How to Interview I” workshop. The insight, good energy, and excitement Rich brought to teaching the students how to prepare for an interview was amazing. The students appreciated Rich talking with them about how to match capabilities with the company needs, attributes vs. skills and experiences, and asking them to think about their goals and aspirations.
Melody Rollins, Global Head of Core Institutional Clients at Bridgewater Associates, led a workshop called "Building Your Personal Brand." The students really appreciated thinking about who they want to become and how they want to make a change in our world.
Deb Sawch, Ed.D. led “Business Writing 101,” which was hosted at Housatonic Community College. The young people learned about using brevity, structure, clarity, and persuasiveness – among many other things – to successfully communicate in a professional way. It’s always a favorite and most-needed workshop!
Steve Wakeen, head of Playbook Coaching, LLC, led a special workshop on becoming an exceptional leader. Steve led the young people through an exercise where they wrote a poem about who they are and where they are from. This led to an engaging conversation about values and what makes for good, effective leadership.
“How to Interview” with Barnum Financial Group
Corporate workshop at Pullman and Comley, LLC
Financial Literacy workshop with JPMorgan, led by C-U Board Member Kelvin Savage
Stock Trading Simulation at Fairfield University led by Dr. Walter Hlawitschka
The semester concluded with the Connect-Us Academy graduation on May 9 at CT State Housatonic Community College. We heard inspiring remarks from our keynote speakers Stephanie Thomas, the Secretary of the State of Connecticut, and Ed Hajim, author, philanthropist and business leader. All of the graduates shared statements about their own growth and development as well. Here are some excerpts:
“I am normally very shy and reserved, but throughout my time collaborating with Pam Lewis and her amazing team I have learned to let myself be seen and heard. This program has not only provided me with the knowledge and attitude needed and admired in the workforce, but it has also helped me to grow into a better and well-rounded individual overall.” – Dejhanae
“What I loved about this program was that it helped me and others grow confidence. This is something a lot of high school students don’t have today... As I grow into the college chapter of my life, I believe that the things I’ve learned here will travel with me in the future.” – Angeline
“I learned a lot through the program… It made me gain confidence in talking with people and coming together with people to form ideas and solutions in a real-world environment. I learned about money management, how to build my brand as a person, and how to adapt to any situation or group of people.” – Michael
“Before the program I had little to no confidence, and I couldn’t present a three-slide Powerpoint to a group of four people. Now I’m less nervous speaking up. Now I am more comfortable being uncomfortable in awkward situations.” – Jeremiah
“Connect-Us has shown me how to express myself better, speak up for myself and my issues… Coming from different cultures, we always learn and get educated differently. In my experience Connect-Us has helped me a lot and has had a lot of patience with me and always taught me not to be scared.” – Lluvia
The CUA survey results illuminated the impact of the program on the participants: 100% feel more prepared to find and maintain a job; 100% feel more hopeful about their future and more confident in their ability to succeed in life; 100% feel better prepared for adulthood; and 100% feel they greatly improved their public speaking skills.
Connect-Us Academy Class of 2024
The Connect-Us Youth Leadership Team (YLT) continues to be a cornerstone of our work, and we are thrilled to be in our seventh year of hosting this weekly program. In the YLT, participants learn community organizing and leadership skills, they practice public speaking and leading discussions, and they play a lead role in producing our annual community events.
We have 25 young people who are active members of the YLT and they met 34 times this year. The YLT also produced our two major community events and helped organize hundreds of people from across Fairfield County to come together to celebrate and support the young people of Bridgeport. They serve as the the producers of these events by acting as team leaders, teaching improv games, and leading warm-up exercises with young people from the other Connect-Us programs, as well as adult volunteers.
C-U Onstage!
C-U Onstage! • October 2024
This fall, we held two C-U Onstage! auditions––one at CT State Housatonic Community College and one at The Klein Memorial Auditorium. Special thanks to Prof. Geoffrey Sheehan, Professor of Theater Arts, and Robin Avant, Dean of Academics Affairs at CT State Housatonic Community College, for their great partnership! We also held our performance workshop at The Klein, and on October 26, hundreds of people came out for our annual C-U Onstage! Talent Show.
Congratulations to the young people who performed both onstage and behind the scenes to make this community event a success!

In January, executive director Pam Lewis participated in a News 12 Connecticut interview with Laurence Caso, executive director of The Klein, and Donald Smart, an MLK historian. Pam, Laurence, and Donald spoke about Dr. King's visit to The Klein in the 1960s, and the significance of the Connect-Us young people speaking from the same podium that Dr. King spoke from when he was in Bridgeport.
For Women's History Month, executive director Pam Lewis participated in an interview with the Bridgeport Downton Special Services District and the Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County. Thank you, Erika K. Wesley and Lauren Coakley Vincent, for the invitation to participate. The interviews were held at the Mary & Eliza Freeman Center for History and Community (located at 1115 Main Street, Unit 102 in Bridgeport). Be sure to visit when you can!
Pam Lewis, Susan Schnitzer (executive director of CIRI), and Frances Rowland (Connect-Us board chair)
This year, we formed a new partnership with the Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (CIRI). CIRI provides legal, economic, linguistic, and social services to immigrants, refugees, survivors of human trafficking and torture, and unaccompanied minors throughout Connecticut. A few of the young people from CIRI have joined the Connect-Us Youth Leadership Team and we look forward to welcoming many more!
During the summer, our weeks and weekends were busy with community outreach and organizing, led by Pam Lewis and the Connect-Us Summer Fellows. We had more than 300 conversations with young people, adults, business owners, and other community members throughout Bridgeport. We invited everyone we met to join the Connect-Us programs and help us get the word out!
During the school year, we partnered with local high schools and spoke at parent meetings, school assemblies, and classrooms––both in person and online––and invited young people in Bridgeport to join our programs.
Connect-Us Fellow with Carmen Colon at the Puerto Rican Day Parade
Connect-Us Fellows at the Jerk Festival at Seaside Park
We are grateful for our partnership with dozens of businesses and organizations throughout Fairfield County. Thank you to all of the businesses and organizations who worked with us in 2024!